Frazers Edge


This is some blog description about this site

writing a thank you note is out of the question

Snake Gifts GOOD LOGO 

maybe he should have said "pre-owned"?

Used Masks LOGO 

the english major who should've gone to law school

No Pets LOGO 

time to buy a tapestry

3 Clock Man LOGO 

old mcdonald never had a single cow on his farm!

Rhetorical Guy LOGO 

only because arcade fire wouldn't fit

Hall and Oates LOGO 

that's either really expensive, really cheap or really in-between!

Guy who left out of details LOGO 

another ivy leaguer with bad luck

Door to Door Deodorant LOGO 

what's on second is very misleading!

Third Wheels Abbott and Costello LOGO 

mr. versatile

Bad Pick up Lines LOGO 

please toss me my gifts now

Birthday Corona LOGO 

and rumor has it they share a bathroom sink!

Bad at Gossip LOGO 

and you can vacuum out my pockets

Corona Car Wash LOGO 

and then rub it in with a little saliva

CoronaVirus 2 LOGO 

or on your nose when you use it to push the elevator button

Corona Virus LOGO 

they've both got a point

Not on the Same Page LOGO 

or you could just google it

Subway Stalactites LOGO 

"i guess now we can put away these round signs"

Flat Earth LOGO 

and also thanks for giving us horrible posture

Vulture Thanksgiving LOGO   

and you can't talk and not be insensitive at the same time

Read the Room LOGO 

then i can start paying back my student loans for business school!

Metal Detector Guy LOGO 

how about if whales had calculators?

Fish Highways LOGO 

plus he only accepts bitcoin

Fish Umbrellas LOGO 

aye soar write threw this!


your car insurance will cover two cleanings a year
